
Posjet potomaka grofice Josephine von Eltz

7. rujna 2016. su nas posjetili Jakob grof von Moӱ de Sons, Yvonne grofica von Moӱ de Sons, udana Petersen i Anna grofica von Moӱ de Sons, djeca Josephine grofice von Eltz (1920. – 1999.), sestre Jakoba Eltza. Bilo je vrlo lijepo doživjeti njihove emocije, prolazeći kroz dvorac u kojem je odrasla njihova majka. Grofice Yvonne i Anna prvi put su posjetile Vukovar o kojem su slušale kroz majčine priče i sjećanja. Nekoliko sati proveli su u obilasku dvorca svojih predaka i s velikim zanimanjem razgledali postav Gradskog muzeja Vukovar.

Grof i grofice von Moӱ de Sons uskoro će se vratiti sa svojim obiteljima, kako bi im pokazali ljepotu obnovljenog Dvorca Eltz, Gradskog muzeja Vukovar, grada i kraja kojeg su njihovi preci odabrali kao svoje dugogodišnje sjedište.

On the 7th September 2016 we had a visit by Jakob Count von Moӱ de Sons, Yvonne Countess von Moӱ de Sons, married Petersen and Anna Countess von Moӱ de Sons, the children of Josephine Countess von Eltz (1920-1999), Jakob Eltz’s sister. It was very nice to experience their emotions while passing through the palace where their mother grew up. For Countesses Yvonne and Anna it was the first visit to Vukovar, which they have heard about in their mother’s stories and memories. They have spent a few hours in a tour of their ancestor’s palace and viewed the display of the Vukovar Municipal Museum with great interest.

The Count and Countesses von Moӱ de Sons will soon be back with their families, in order to show them the beauty of the restored Eltz palace, the Vukovar Municipal Museum, the town of Vukovar and the region their ancestors chose for their long-term residence.